For this I animated a banner in Photoshop. To do this a series of steps were taken this involved creating new layers, creating classic tweens and many other steps, but I've managed to to create a simple step it goes keyframe-movement-classic tween, this is the overall process for a simple animation.
This was simply creating a button on Flash C6. To do this you go insert-new symbol, and while on this option select the button from movie clip, then you'll need to give your button a shape this is called a hit area for this I chose a circle. Now that circle needs a colour so I just left it white, but when hovered over, note this is labeled as "over" on top of the screen as well as "down" for when it is clicked, and "hit" for the area it covers. As I was saying when hovered over or "down it needs to change colour- for this I chose red. and when clicked (down) I chose green, and left it green for hit.